Monday 14 February 2011

The night before competition

Today has been a seriously hectic day!  It’s the AHT (see ‘links’) competitions tomorrow and I am part of the team event.  The theme this year is 'A Night at the Theatre’.  You would think that was a fairly easy title to follow but believe me we (we as in ‘the team’) have spent HOURS trying to think of a decent interpretation!

My day has been full of getting all the last minute things together.  Getting everything my model & I could possibly need in a box then checking and checking again that I haven’t missed anything.  I’ve even managed to add to the incredibly long list I already had! 

We’ve had our last run through of hair and make up against the time allocated and then a full dress rehearsal.  The whole team looked great and I can’t wait to see it on stage tomorrow!  The mood board that has to be presented alongside the models is the last thing to be completed.  I think we’re in at 8:30 tomorrow to put the finishing touches to it.

Anyway, I think we’ve come up with something pretty great and hopefully the judges will think so too!  I can’t say anything more than that as we’re all under strict instructions to keep our theme secret until the event!  Very under cover J

So watch this space for photos after the event!

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