Wednesday 25 May 2011

What a Sweetie!

I have to also show you this...something on Twitter inspired me to do this and I think I just about pulled it off (as I only had 10 mins to do it!)  There are a couple things I'd change if I did it again but I think its loads of fun  - AND really can lick you lips for this one!!  I hope you like it!

Studio Work

I've had loads of fun recently working at a photographic studio.  Its great to learn about the lighting and set up and how things actually look on camera.  Here is a sample of a few things Ive been up to including an impromptu session of myself and a couple of friends, this time in front of the camera...

Long time no speak!

My goodness - i must be the most inconsistent blogger in the world.  I post 5 blogs at once and then none for a month!  I'm sure that must breach some sort of blogging code....!
Anyway, since we spoke its been all about the make up!  This is a photograph from the Miss Natural Curves Competition I worked on in April.  This is the winner for the Hinckley region.  Think the blush had come off a little by the time the photo was taken at the end of the night but she still looked fab!

Wednesday 30 March 2011


This week on the course we've stared looking at photographic make up.  A series of photographs of eye make up were given to us and we had 20 minutes to reproduce the look (just for the eyes).  You'd think this was more than enough time and you would also think that copying these looks was easy!  I couldn't have been more wrong!
I've only just realised there are 100 ways of doing a smokey eye and the simplest of looks can be the hardest to do!

Anyway, here are a couple of my first attempts.  Hopefully these will improve by the end of the unit!



Sunday 20 March 2011

The big one!

The National Finals!  Yes, as we won the regional competition we qualified for the finals of the AHT competitions.  We travelled up to a very windy Blackpool last weekend with our mountains of kit packed on the bus and our hopes very high!

The team competition wasn't scheduled until around 2pm so we had quite a while to wait around with the nerves building and building throughout the morning.  The buzz in the Winter Gardens Ballroom was electric with many students producing some outstanding work.  I really think employers should come to these competitions as they could pick from the most talented make up artists and hairdressers the country has to offer!

Anyway, that aside...the time finally came for us to go on stage.  We dragged our kit to the table and waited nervously for everyone to take their places.  I think there were about 22 teams in all so there was a lot of competition.

We get started.  The table is tiny and there is not enough space for us to work.  We were bumping into each other and the team behind us seemed to take up more & more room as they went along! 
I stuck the prosthetic on my model first as it took the most time out of everything to do.  We got it stuck on, blended the edges and I took a sigh of relief it hadn't fallen apart or melted!
From there is was hair and make up time.  We had an hour and a quarter to complete everything and my model and I had around 15 minutes to spare at the end.  I went to the other side of the table and helped with the veins on Princess Fiona's head so they looked extra gory!

In the meantime we had attracted a huge crowd next to our table who kept asking us to stop so they could take photographs!  One of the officials came over eventually and asked people to move away.  I was secretly hoping that all this interest was a good sign..!

Once we had finished, the judges came around to score the hair and make up then it was time for the performance.  The team were fantastic on stage, executing the Thriller dance to a t!  It was just up to the scores now, there was nothing more we could do.

Of course as we were the last to go on, our scores were the last to be read out!  We waited and waited and finally it was our turn......!   We got 3rd!  3rd out of the country - not a bad score!
Anyway, that wasn't the end of it, the next day some of us met up again as we had the BYFA Julius Caesar premiere to attend and our lecturer gave us some fantastic news.  The judges had got the score wrong and we actually came 2nd!  Wow, all that hard work and hours of practise had finally paid off.  I can definitely say I am proud of that one.

Team Thriller

My wolf

Studio Work

So recently I did my first studio job.  I worked at a local studio called TWorld Studio and had a fantastic day.  It was great to get experience working with models and professional photographers.  There is so much to learn about lighting, seeing how the make up looks when its actually in front of the camera and even where to stand takes some thought!

I had to tweak the make up a couple of times as it looked nice & bright in the make up room but once in front of the camera with the white background and flash, my model looked a bit washed out.  So I had to go deeper with the colours on the lips and cheeks.

I was really pleased with the final outcome though and the experience was invaluable.  I hope to do it again soon!

AHT Regional Finals

We won we won!  Yes, Team Thriller won the Regional finals for the AHT competition.  We entered the Total Team look and came first with a score of 298 out of 300.  Not bad eh?!

Monday 14 February 2011

The night before competition

Today has been a seriously hectic day!  It’s the AHT (see ‘links’) competitions tomorrow and I am part of the team event.  The theme this year is 'A Night at the Theatre’.  You would think that was a fairly easy title to follow but believe me we (we as in ‘the team’) have spent HOURS trying to think of a decent interpretation!

My day has been full of getting all the last minute things together.  Getting everything my model & I could possibly need in a box then checking and checking again that I haven’t missed anything.  I’ve even managed to add to the incredibly long list I already had! 

We’ve had our last run through of hair and make up against the time allocated and then a full dress rehearsal.  The whole team looked great and I can’t wait to see it on stage tomorrow!  The mood board that has to be presented alongside the models is the last thing to be completed.  I think we’re in at 8:30 tomorrow to put the finishing touches to it.

Anyway, I think we’ve come up with something pretty great and hopefully the judges will think so too!  I can’t say anything more than that as we’re all under strict instructions to keep our theme secret until the event!  Very under cover J

So watch this space for photos after the event!

Sunday 13 February 2011


No, no, no before you think it, its not that kind of latex.  Glad we've cleared that up! 
So anyway, this is another aging technique using liquid latex. The process involves (amongst other things) stretching the skin and layering liquid latex onto it.  When the skin is released the latex helps form creases from the stretched skin and these look very much like wrinkles.  The end look can be very realistic when teamed with the shading & highlighting technique.

say cheese you've just aged 10 years!

The Ageing Process

We all know what happens when we age right?  Wrinkles, lines, things start to drop and get saggy? You get the idea.  Well, the ageing process was next on my (never ending) list of tasks!
This was one of the hardest techniques to get my head around.  It took a lot of practise and many failed attempts but the good news is, once you've mastered it it forms the basis to all make up techniques - shading & highlighting.   All the lovely girls below are in their late teens to early 20's and have been transformed into theatrical, weathered looking 45, 65 & 85 year olds.


The Cat

So the next face paint I attempted was a cat.  You'd think that was straight forward but again, took a long time to get anything close to a cat.  The first time it came out looking like a cartoon cat but eventually I got it down to something that resembled a realistic feline!  See what you think...!

whats new pussycat?

Saturday 12 February 2011

Hello folks!


As you can see from the title, my name is Hillary and I am a make up artist...well nearly!
I'm two thirds of the way through a 2 year make up artistry course and thought it might be interesting to start blogging my way through the last third!  I can't believe I pondered over taking a 2 year course - I thought it was too long but the time has flown by and the amount I've learnt is incredible.  I think I need another 2 years tho.

This was my first project, face painting.  This took me AGES to do and looking back on it now, it looks so amateur......!

my first clown!