Wednesday 25 May 2011

What a Sweetie!

I have to also show you this...something on Twitter inspired me to do this and I think I just about pulled it off (as I only had 10 mins to do it!)  There are a couple things I'd change if I did it again but I think its loads of fun  - AND really can lick you lips for this one!!  I hope you like it!

Studio Work

I've had loads of fun recently working at a photographic studio.  Its great to learn about the lighting and set up and how things actually look on camera.  Here is a sample of a few things Ive been up to including an impromptu session of myself and a couple of friends, this time in front of the camera...

Long time no speak!

My goodness - i must be the most inconsistent blogger in the world.  I post 5 blogs at once and then none for a month!  I'm sure that must breach some sort of blogging code....!
Anyway, since we spoke its been all about the make up!  This is a photograph from the Miss Natural Curves Competition I worked on in April.  This is the winner for the Hinckley region.  Think the blush had come off a little by the time the photo was taken at the end of the night but she still looked fab!